Tuesday 20 January 2009

Off to the land of the long cloud

I'm off to the land of the long cloud to look for my photomojo. I won't be back till mid Feb when normal service will be resumed. Check back then for New Zealand pics.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Online print orders

In conjunction with The Image File, I am pleased to announce that online sales of selected images on my website are available for sale online.

I am still in the process of putting together the final touches, so I have not yet linked to the online sales site from my main website, but those of you interested can get an advance preview here.

Any feedback on the site would be appreciated.

Essential viewing on CS4 updates

If you use photoshop and are thinking about upgrading to CS4 then these guys are doing a 4 part video showing what is new in CS4.  I've been using it for a couple of months now and learned about a whole lot of new features I didn't know about from watching this. 

Click here for a link to video part 1.

Thursday 8 January 2009

I'm no longer a pro...

...well on Flickr anyway as my pro account has expired. Not that I'm bothered, I'm going to see how long I can string it out before I have to go back to the paying for the service.

Couple of reasons really. I don't use it to put up lots of high resolution images so I shouldn't need unlimited upload capacity. There have been too many instances of Flickr images being used for profit without permission, so I only put watermarked images with a max of 1000px at 72 dpi. Perfect for web viewing and sharing. Images are now backed up elsewhere in other ways.

I use it more as a stream of images and don't need to group them into sets...

Emm... and I think that's all you get for your money.

I also don't really feel the love for the masses of u constructive comments. Constuctive ones I'm all about, see the post on the A or B group below.

All images on this site are copywrite Andy Yuill 2008 unless otherwise stated